
Showing posts from October, 2022

Why should we walk??

                Today life has totally changed with modernised  technology's where people did ill due to lack of physical work and high level of mental stress. Most them are suffering with some kind of diseases. What is the reason behind it?                 It is mainly due to lack of physical working like walking, running, work out,etc..It is totally forgotten by the people. Walking is enough to cure many diseases or to keep it in control.It is the simple and easy way to escape from the from the two most common diseases Blood Pressure (BP)and Diabetics (sugar). Why Walking?                 It is to prevent us from not falling ill easily.The lack physical work increases body weight and cause obesity.where obesity leads to enormous diseases to stop this a simple solution is walking.  Best time for walking                Early morning before 6:30 is good.If not the evening time is also preferable. In the case of food consumption going for a walk should  be after 1 hour from eating. W